Ardyn Lucis Caelum


↠ Chancellor of Nifilheim↠ House Caelum
↠ Daemonized King
↠ Immortal↠ Written by John (#GhostsOfJohn)

↠ Ardyn Lucis Caelum
↠ Ardyn Izunia | Chancellor Izunia | Adagium
↠ Chancellor of Nifilheim
↠ Formerly the Saviour of man from House Caelum
↠ Intended to be the Founding King of Lucis
↠ Human | Cursed with immortality↠ Nifilheim (loosely)
↠ Formerly, Kingdom of Lucis
↠ Male
↠ 2000+
↠ 6'2" (188.97 cm)↠ Red-violet
↠ Hazel/Amber - used to be blue pre-corruption
↠ Chin length, slightly dishevelled
↠ Dominant Hand: Appears to be right handed--↠ Ardyn was cursed to suffer for resisting his fate when Bahamut stopped him from killing Regis during the Founders Day Festival

Though I will vary my take in terms of timeline based on who I write with, this account is intended to be POST FFXV to suit my needs.I will be focusing on the aspects relating to the alternate ending in Episode Ardyn in which Ardyn resists the fate bestowed upon him by Bahamut.This carrd will feature the headcanon alternate universe rather than the canon information found on the wikia linked below.Ardyn's Wikia

Ardyn did everything he could to resist the fate Bahamut had bestowed upon him.The torture at the hands of Aera's visage did little to weaken his resolve, and despite the fact that he failed to kill Noctis as he wished and still fulfilled the calling the Gods gave him, he was cursed.Beyond immortality, beyond simple sufferage for his sins, Ardyn was denied the very death he sought as punishment for defying his fate in the first place.With the darkness dispelled, Ardyn is now cursed to wander Eos with nothing to exact his vengeance upon, believing Noctis and the rest of the Lucis bloodline eradicated as Bahamut had ordained.Though he is still prone to disdain for life, Ardyn doesn't actively seek to spread darkness as he was during Noctis' journey, instead simply wandering, cursing the Gods for his endless suffering.Over time he has developed a few new abilities, some of which allow him to create and access portals similar to what the Iron Giants and other similar daemons would use to appear, though where and just how far (or even when) they can lead him he hasn't figured out.

↠ Alternate ending depicting Ardyn's resistance and subsequent torture at Bahamut's hands (via Aera's visage)

John Doe

No, John is not my "real" name, but it's the name I prefer to use here. I do not enjoy my "legal birth name" so if you know it, please refrain from calling me it unless I've told you it's okay.My preferred name outside of online is strictly for business and it's something I give to people I trust.No preferred pronouns; refer to me however you wish, I will respond to all of them.MORE INFO ON MUN CARRD.

↠ Caught up with most canon material.↠ I will be taking a few creative liberties with my muses at times, but I will do my utmost to remain as true to the characters as possible!
↠ AUs for the accounts, if applicable, are listed in their respective carrds/pinned tweets
↠ Literate and descriptive (most of the time)
↠ Crack and Serious threads
↠ Will often mirror your replies, but do not feel like you have to match my length at all times. I just want to see some effort!
↠ Mature 21+ for occasional NSFW content including but not limited to" violence, language, lewd and other potentially triggering themes.↠ Multi-Verse (MV) and Multi-Ship (MS) - highly selective with ships - ships will only be done with chemistry, even if I know you from another verse.↠ Open to most crossovers, original characters and AU's but I would like to be able to read some information before we interact!MORE GUIDES ON MUN CARRD--Please DO:↠ Feel free to tag me any time! I may not always see it/respond right away, but I try to reply to stuff as much as I can.↠ Give me information about your AU/Original character to read. I do not live in your head.↠ Ask me if you're not sure about something, even if it's about something ooc. I'm not going to bite you.↠ Understand I work full time so my time/energy is going to be very limited sometimes.--Please do NOT:↠ Follow me expecting to ship/write nsfw lewd; even if we know each other from other verses.↠ Attempt to force ships/unwelcome content on me.↠ Force your headcanons on my portrayal; just because we write the same muse does not mean they have to be EXACTLY the same. This goes for people that expect me to write my portrayal according to how they view the character even if you don't write the same muse as I do.↠ Control my muse ("God mod").↠ If you are under the age of 18, do not interact with my nsfw lewd tweets.--I do NOT:↠ Ship with minors/minor muses.↠ Some ships do make me uncomfortable and as such I will generally not write them just as there are some I'm not entirely sure about. I would have to explore with the right person.

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Skilled Hand-to-Hand CombatantSwordsmanshipMarksmanshipKeen IntellectSuperhuman SpeedSuperhuman AgilitySuperhuman StaminaSuperhuman DurabilityAccelerated HealingDemon Creation/DaemonificationMind Manipulation: In the form of making others believe they're seeing/hearing something they are not